阿尔法赫水烟味道50克 250克 1000克装
阿尔法赫50克口香糖薄荷 alfakher 50g GUM WITH MINT FLAVOUR
GRAPE WITH MINTA signature blend of grapes with a cool menthol finish. -
柠檬薄荷常青柠檬和清凉薄荷味的经典融合。LEMON WITH MINTA classic fusion of the evergreen lemons and cooling mint notes.
橙色薄荷浓郁的橙子与清爽的薄荷醇完美融合。ORANGE WITH MINTZesty orange perfectly blended with refreshing menthol.
蓝莓薄荷蓝莓的标志性味道与薄荷的清新混合。BLUEBERRY WITH MINTSignature taste of blueberry blended with the freshness of mint.
薄荷口香糖一种混合,提供传统的留兰香叶冰凉凉爽的味道。GUM WITH MINTA mix that provides the traditional icy, cool flavor of spearmint leaves.
超级柠檬薄荷混合了辛辣的味道和薄荷的余味。 SUPER LEMON MINTA blend of piquant flavors and minty aftertaste.
葡萄混合葡萄的味道,带有细腻的香气。 GRAPEThe taste of mixed grapes with a delicate aroma.
桃完美平衡的浓郁桃子味,质地令人难以置信的光滑。 PEACHA perfectly balanced tangy peach flavor with an incredibly smooth texture.
蓝莓浓郁的蓝莓,口感细腻,香气扑鼻。BLUEBERRYFull-bodied blueberries, delicate in taste and fragrance.
橘子 橙子标志性的橙色喜悦,回味悠长。 ORANGEThe signature orange delight with a lingering zesty taste.
西瓜新鲜风味与平静回味的完美融合。 WATERMELONA perfect blend of fresh flavors with a calming aftertaste.
GUM 口香糖 细腻轻盈的混合薄荷味 A delicate and light mix with minty undertones.
阿尔法赫50克双苹果 alfakher 50g Double apple 最受欢迎的味道